Hello, I’m Joni

an excitable brand strategist

Looking to Contribute to a Nonprofit Board

07 February 2021

I’m looking for a nonprofit board to join and I figured a blog post could be a way to put this out into the world–I understand these are not always advertised roles. I’m eager to make things better, have varied experience which directly fits with common organization needs, and am very VERY enthusiastic about meetings and getting to know people. So, here it goes.

A Few Focuses for 2021

05 January 2021

While I usually love end-of-year recap posts, in terms of both writing them and reading them, I couldn’t stomach it for 2020. I wasn’t in the right mindset to complain nor share things that went well. I wasn’t OK enough to read about the pain of others, or quite frankly, their triumphs.

Our Version of Unschooling Optimized for Fewer Tears

10 May 2020

We tried homeschooling in the weeks following the virus shutdown, and it failed miserably for us. I have to work and that ultimately takes priority over Ben’s education right now. Figuring out a version of school at home that is beneficial and doable has been a trial and error experience, but has resulted in some valuable resources and revelations.

Remote As a Lifestyle, Not a Buzzword

28 July 2019

As I recently found myself on the lookout for a part-time, fully remote position I was reminded yet again of the extreme degree to which remote work is misunderstood.

Six Constructive Contract Inclusions

11 June 2019

Since starting YupGup nearly two years ago I’ve had a bit of a crash course in contract writing and negotiations. This experience has allowed me to see that any freelance contract I maintained prior to this was not especially thoughtful or airtight—oops.

Project Proposal Essentials

21 May 2019

Much of my design career has been spent remotely freelancing or running a small agency, where thoughtful project proposals play a huge role in securing work. Both the format and content of these proposals has changed each year as I gain more experience with design, client communication, and project management.