Hello, I’m Joni

an excitable brand strategist

Designing Web Tutorials For Kids

01 June 2015

For the last couple months I’ve been developing a kid’s web design tutorial series for Tuts+, Tuts+ Town. There are eleven tutorials total and a couple of them were published recently and will continue to throughout June.

jQuery Snippet Heavy Hitters

26 January 2015

As with almost all things in this field that initially approach, JavaScript was (is) really intimidating. Now, I’m certainly not saying that I am some sort of expert now, but I am in deep enough at this point to detect that a large portion of what I need JavaScript for in the front-end world can be done with one of a few snippets of jQuery it seems.

Command Line Primer Primer

14 January 2015

This post specifically addresses the Mac OS X Terminal. I can definitely say that one of the more intimidating things I accomplished in 2014 was getting comfortable with the command line process. I was very hesitant to even use it at first: What if I delete something? What if I tell my computer to spontaneously combust? Why is it so ugly?…I will just use apps!